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Cost Effective Marketing Strategies for Nonprofits


Non-profit organizations face the challenge of having little money to invest in marketing strategies. To survive in a competitive market, nonprofits have to get creative. They face businesses that are bigger and more financially equipped, so thriving and raising awareness for a cause can seem impossible. If you’re interested in starting a non-profit organization, it helps if you have your own app. Companies like Acendia builds mobile apps for zoos and other non-profit organizations, which can help establish a presence in a realm where most consumers spend their time.

The people responsible for digital marketing at nonprofits are driven by a passion that’s bigger than themselves. Though marketing isn’t easy, there are strategies that can help nonprofits get noticed in a sea of overpopulated corporations. To help you market effectively, this article will provide digital marketing advice that doesn’t require spending every last penny.

PPC for Free with Google Ad Grants

Nonprofits commonly rule out pay-per-click marketing, because they believe that it involves major spending. This is a common misconception, because Google has an Ad Grant program, which gives free money to nonprofits. The funding they provide is specifically for advertising on their website, which is widely considered to be the most popular search engine in the world. You could easily become one of the lucky nonprofits who’s able to advertise for free, especially since Google donates nearly 1 billion dollars per year to nonprofits. To be considered, you’ll need to set up an Adwords account before starting the application process. This could lead to a wider platform and allow you to spread word about your cause to a large audience.

Awaken Emotions

Marketing efforts should be focused on evoking strong emotions in consumers. By exemplifying the scale of a problem, and showing others how many people are affected, your audience is more likely to empathize with the situation. By hitting people on an emotional level, you increase the probability that they will engage with your philosophy. Awakening your audience’s emotions shouldn’t be underestimated, especially considering the power of donations. Videos can have a profound impact, and allow you to spread messages visually to large groups of potential donors. Video marketing can be intimidating, but there are plenty of resources in today’s digital age that facilitate the process.

Allocate a Small Budget to Promote Content on Social Media

Though you’ll have a limited budget, your content has little chance of gaining visibility on social media if you don’t invest. Only people with large followings and thousands of advocates sharing content can make a dent in the social space. You can, however, initiate smart advertising ,without spending an arm and a leg. Successful advertising is possible at just $5 a day, and allows you to target specific audiences. For example, if your organization provides education for underprivileged children, you can target mothers who are interested in social change. As a nonprofit, it’s important to structure your finances using a billing and receivables module. Companies like SimpleSolve offer accounts modules to help fulfill your accounting needs. You can accomplish various functions, including invoices, reversals, payments, and refunds.

Channel Your Network to Form Influential Partnerships

Powerful partnerships can help raise awareness for your cause. Extending your network to influential people who can serve as brand advocates is a highly effective method. Finding the right person to champion your company can result in considerable donations, with no money spent. If someone with thousands of followers crafts a post with a call-to-action that makes people aware of your company, you can benefit substantially.


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