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Coffee Talk Expert

About our Guest Expert Peter Hupalo of Hupalo, Ltd.

Peter Hupalo of Hupalo, Ltd. When Peter's not busy running his own business, Hupalo Ltd., he's brushing up on the latest computer-programming technologies or researching companies for investment. He also writes a short column about entrepreneurship and small business for and reviews biz books for the site. Speaking of books, Peter wrote his own! His labor of love to small biz, Thinking Like An Entrepreneur, is all about how to make savvy business decisions and take real control of your financial destiny. A numbers guy, Peter holds undergraduate degrees in math and physics from The University of Minnesota Institute of Technology and a masters of physics degree from its graduate school. When he's not fine-tuning his business skills, Peter's a big fan of the movies and his two "cute" cats. If you'd like to chat with Peter, you can contact him via his website. (Idea Cafe reviewed his biz book. Check it out!)

Peter's Answers

I'm trying to find an outline on the start-up stages of a company... I'd appreciate it if anyone has any information regarding what the stages are.

I'd like to open a teen resale shop offering name brands, such as Tommy Hilfiger, Nike, Gap, Old Navy, Mudd, Lei, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle etc. ... Do you think this could be a profitable business? There's not anything like this in my neighborhood.

I've been in business for 11 years....I have an idea for expansion....I just got turned down for a loan by the bank....I just can't express how defeated I felt when "Mr. Potter" told me he didn't think I was ready for this and that I should wait another year. No offense, but what does he know? Has he ever been responsible for the wages of others? Has he ever had an original thought for that matter?...What do you think? Am I misguided or is he really a descendant of the original Mr. Potter?

....We became an S corp a few months ago....I'm a little confused tho, on what we'll have to pay the state, what taxes are. There is so much talk about double-taxation savings, I don't really get it. When I went out to the IRS site, there are 30 different S corp forms. Which ones really pertain to us?? Also, we were told by our accountant that we don't need a fictitious name-however, at least 10 people have told us we DO. Help?

I need advice on how to set up a plan to outline the development, implementation and evaluation of a new company objective: client retention. ... Any ideas how to present this from start to finish (including ROI) to an Executive Management Team?

As the owner and manager of my business, I contract all my labor and pay as I go a set fee per piece.... I've been asking around what is best in terms of taxes (so far no answer). I'm listed as an LLC and all profits flow through my income tax. Do most business owners pay themselves on the books or just take money as it comes in? How much do they leave to run the business and leave for further business investments within their company?

What exactly does "being bonded" mean? What advantage does it have? How do you go about doing it? What is the cost associated with it? Looking into starting a home-based business where I'll be doing inventories of other people's homes (valuables, collectibles, etc...) for insurance purposes.

I understand the process of incorporating, but I just don't get how you get control of your company, do you have to buy your own shares?

How do you go about setting up a business group or association of independent businesses?


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