Answer from our Guest Expert Lillyvette Montalvo PAGE 2 Communicate Your Concerns Arrange a meeting with her, your human resource (HR) person, and yourself. Let her know how much you value her loyalty and her dedication to the company. Don't put her down because she may be "behind the times" in your opinion. If you let her know she's valued, you support her, and you're willing to work with her, she's going to be more able and willing to break some of "her old ways." Emphasize her success is the company's success, who wants to retain good, dedicated employees and succeed in the industry. Don't give up before really putting forth an honest effort -- an effort that doesn't reflect certain degrees of "superiority" due to the changing times and trends. As a supervisor, make sure you keep employees who really want to continue to work. If her performance level is so poor that it really has nothing to do with modern company trends vs. the old ways of doing business, you certainly have the right to consider termination with some sort of benefit package/severance package for her - due to her long tenure with the company. Either way, you must have a meeting with her and your HR person. Both of these situations demand a meeting where things are brought out in the open. Discuss expectations and goals in a clear manner. Support for this change must also be discussed so that intimidation isn't a driving force. Also discuss other areas within the company; for instance, analyze whether or not her talents can be better utilized in a different area within the company and discuss that with her. Your HR person could make you aware of other openings within the company that may be available as well.
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