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7 Tips to Increase Sales With Better Product Packaging


No matter how good a product is, the right packaging can make it even better. After all, the package is the first thing that consumers see.


From toy packaging to custom food packaging, it all makes a major impression on shoppers. So the better you make your packaging, the more sales you can expect.


Packaging is one of the few forms of marketing that shoppers can’t bypass. You can unsubscribe from email lists, pay for ad-free services, and skip TV commercials by switching channels. But you can’t skip the packaging. It’s part of the product. There’s simply no way around it.


Benefits of Good Product Packaging

In addition to boosting sales, good packaging can protect your product—whether it’s being shipped, sitting on store shelves, or being handled by customers. Having this added layer of protection will reduce costly damage that can hurt your profits. 


Good packaging also draws attention. If you do it right, the packaging can highlight product benefits and show off the amazing value that the product provides. 


Packaging also allows you to inform prospective buyers. Maybe they’ve never come across your product before and don’t know what it’s all about. This is your chance to educate consumers upfront so they develop trust in you and your brand. 


The right packaging can also help you offer a good price. Higher-quality packaging reflects a higher-quality product. So if the packaging communicates quality, people will be more willing to invest in your product. Alternatively, if you find ways to lower packaging costs, you can pass those savings on to buyers by lowering the product price. 


Now that you know how beneficial good product packaging can be, let’s dive in to 7 specific strategies you can take to get the most out of your packaging: 



  • Make it relevant to your target audience


Your target audience is the demographic group to whom you are trying to sell. Have your product packaging cater to their interests. For example, you can support a worthy cause or sports team that you know they like or use graphics and cartoons to appeal to children. The key is to personalize the packaging. You might also promote brand values that you know align with your target audience. 



  • Keep it simple


There’s something to be said for simple packaging. It makes understanding the product right off the bat much easier. After all, people don’t want to be overwhelmed when seeing a product for the first time. A good example of a brand that does this well is Apple. Their packages are usually plain white boxes with only the name and a photo of the product inside. That’s it. 



  • Use colors intentionally


It may be a subtle point, but the colors you use on your packaging can have a real effect on shoppers. Different colors and shades stimulate different emotions. For example, blues and greens tend to be more calming and relaxing, while reds and oranges are more exciting and provocative.



  • Share timely promotions


Another way to grab shoppers’ attention is to include timely promotions on the packaging. You could advertise special limited-time offers and deals—anything to help your product stand out from the competition.



  • Leverage trends


You can also leverage trends in your packaging. Think about the latest fashions and happenings in pop culture. Then align your packaging with it somehow for a short period. You might tie it to the current season as well. Whatever you do, don’t let your short-term packaging run too long and get outdated. 



  • Combine with digital content


These days, people use digital technology like smartphones all the time. You can take advantage of this by incorporating digital content in your packaging with QR codes and scannable images. Connected packaging like this can deliver added value by linking to your website for bonus content, educational material, special discounts, and more.



  • Use green packaging


If you can source your packaging from eco-friendly materials, you can appeal to the growing number of people who are environmentally conscious. Plus, designing green packaging could help you eliminate wasted space to reduce your overall packaging costs and increase profit. It’s a win-win.


Final Tips
At the end of the day, your packaging will either win over shoppers or go unnoticed. It’s up to you to make it as compelling as possible. Try A/B testing different variations of a packaging concept until you land on the most effective version. 


With enough trial and error, you can design packaging that beats your competition and benefits your product for years to come. The best time to start experimenting is now.


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