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5 Ways to Bring Your Office Team Closer Together


Do you have a wonderful office team that needs to work on their interpersonal communication skills? Don't worry, you aren't alone. Many office managers and company owners struggle to ensure that their teams get along. But, you don't have to continue awkwardly navigating less than perfect office dynamics. 

The blog will offer you a couple of ways to bring your people together without forcing them. Get ready to strap your boots together and dive into the fun work of building a functional work crew. Office team 

1. Have an Outdoor Sports Day

Nothing brings people together like getting outside and participating in a series of sports games. With an outdoor sports day, make sure that you're keeping every employee in mind. If some of your workers don't like playing sports, you can have them on the planning and cooking committees. You should also include sports that are accessible to everyone. 

Plan to give your team a month before the sports day, so that they can prepare themselves in advance. Determine whether you're going to split the office into red versus blue, or if it'll be every person for themselves. Hype up your crew in the days leading up with activity reveals, showing off gear, and just talking about the day. Make sure to take plenty of pictures when the event rolls around. 


2. Give Everyone Company Merch That They'll Actually Use

When it comes to taking care of your team, giving them useful merch is part of the equation. Ask your workers what they would like to make their office life easier. Aluminum water bottles, coffee cups, and sunglasses are all examples of merchandise that your employees will actually use. You could even give them things like small speakers or stationary, depending on what they express interest in. 

You can also incentivize employees by offering them unique company objects based on their performance.  


3. Start Non-Work Related Team Lunches 

Meal times are essential for bringing everyone closer. If you are looking to bring your team closer together, offer to take them out for lunch once a week, or at least once a quarter. 

You can also start a company lunch hour, where everyone gets together with homemade or purchased food to eat together. You'll learn more about your teammates and also enjoy a communal meal together. 


4. Establish a Scholarship Fund for Workers

Nothing makes you feel closer to people like giving back. Consider setting up an office scholarship fund to help employees receive an education.

The scholarship fund you offer will vary depending on the size and profitability of your company. To start, spread the news around your office and emphasize your dedication to the continued education of your employees. Ask them what they would be interested in studying, and what institutions they would like to attend. 

You can turn creating a scholarship fund into a team meeting to get to know your employees better. 


5. Involve the Team in Company Goal Setting

One of the simplest ways that you can bring your team together is getting them involved in setting goals for the company. The people working on the ground have as much of a part in the business as those on top, and should be able to talk about their dreams/vision for the company. 

You can establish weekly goal-setting meetings, where your employees will discuss how they feel best suited to help the company, and what they need as well. 


Ready to Make Your Office Team like Family?

Are you ready to get to know your workers better? Building a rapport with your team will take effort, but it's worth it. You'll have employees that feel like a team when you follow these five tips. 


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