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4 Tips to Running a Small Business From Home


Running your own small business is a lot of work. You have countless responsibilities, from overseeing employees to keeping track of inventory. You have to run various social media accounts, communicate with customers, and manage the storefront… and that’s just naming a few. It’s an overwhelming responsibility as it is—now imagine having to do it all from home.


While the world has shifted to remote working, business owners across the globe have had to learn how to run their businesses smoothly from their own homes. It’s definitely not an easy task, but thankfully there are many services and tools out there that can help small business owners work efficiently from home. Your business shouldn’t have to suffer just because you have to work remotely. Here are 4 tips to running a small business from home:

1.  Stick to a Schedule

When working from home, it’s easy to get distracted. You wake up late, take your time drinking your morning coffee, and before you realize it, it’s noon. Yikes. To make sure this doesn’t become a habit, stick to a schedule. Wake up at the same time every morning and treat your work day like you’re actually working in an office. That means no more dawdling! If you’re working with a team, use a scheduling tool to ensure that everyone is working in a timely and efficient manner.

2. Have a HR Team

Every small business owner wears many hats, and so it can be easy to forget about certain responsibilities, like recruiting new employees. This is exactly why it is crucial to have an HR team, especially when you’re working from home. An HR team handles everything to do with employees, such as hiring, onboarding, and training. Use software that offers small business HR services to help you better navigate business operations. These services will save you time that can then be put towards managing and growing your small business.

3.  Prioritize Marketing

Marketing is a crucial aspect of every business, but especially small businesses who need help getting recognition. You will need to market your product to your target audience, create successful marketing campaigns, build a presence on social media, and measure analytics. The good thing about marketing is that it can easily be done remotely with the help of various online marketing tools. These tools will help you build strategic marketing campaigns that are ideal for your business.


4.  Create a Productive Work Environment

Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean it’s an excuse to lounge around in your pajamas all day. It’s still your job, even though just your top half is going to be seen on video meetings. Get up every morning and get dressed into something slightly more structured than pajamas and get to work in a productive environment, like a home office. You will want a brightly lit room with a sturdy desk and a comfortable chair. If you live with other people, let them know that your work hours should be treated as such, meaning your office door should be shut to minimize distractions and maximize productivity.


Running your small business from home is undoubtedly a stressful job, but following these tips should take a little bit of the weight off your shoulders. It’s important to use the right tools and create a productive work environment to ensure you don’t get distracted working from home and stick to your schedule. Remote working has changed the way businesses operate, so make sure you don’t fall behind. With these tips, you will be able to run a successful small business right from the comfort of your own home.


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