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4 Reasons Your Business Should Invest in an App


Technology has transformed the workplace. The modern office is awash with electronic devices and technological solutions to the simplest of problems. Sometimes our tendency to apply complex solutions to simple problems leads to technology being counterproductive.

In order to be effective at increasing productivity, technology needs to be used properly. Apps are no exception. Make sure that you are investing in an app for the right reasons.

To Promote Sales Growth

An app can provide an additional revenue stream for your business. There are numerous ways of monetizing an app and or using it to drive up footfall. For example, you could allow customers to check your available stock and place orders using the app. Adding the option to click and collect, essentially reserving in-store items through the app, is a reliable and effective means of achieving both at once.

To Widen Your Audience

The majority of people who download your app will be existing customers, at least initially. For some businesses, it is perfectly normal for this to continue to be the case. However, an app also presents an opportunity to expand your audience and connect with whole new markets.

Most businesses will hire a third-party developer to develop their app for them. This is usually the wisest course of action, unless you happen to have the necessary expertise and experience in-house. You should look for a developer that has experience in not only developing apps but also marketing them as well.

The B2B ratings platform Clutch is a good place to find reputable and experienced developers. The Australian app developers Appetiser, for example, were recently named as a top Australian developer by Clutch. They are a perfect example of the kind of developers that you should look to when developing your app.

Internal Optimisation

As well as customer-facing apps, it is common for businesses to invest in apps for internal use only. These apps can make a dramatic difference to internal efficiency. Whether they are designed to automate particular tasks or to simply allow employees to easily communicate with one another, apps are transforming the way that businesses approach devising the architecture or their workflow.

It’s easy to take simple thing such as live stock levels for granted. But giving every employee the ability to check live stock levels from a smartphone in their pocket is game-changing in terms of optimising efficiency.

To Achieve a Goal

The sky's the limit when it comes to internal apps, but if you want to maximize efficiency within your business, you will need to think carefully about the purpose of your app. Building an app won’t, in itself, increase the productivity or profitability of your business. In order for an app to have a transformative effect on your business, it needs to be designed with a specific purpose in mind.

Don’t start building your app until you have planned it out in its entirety. Work out exactly what features it will have and what functions it will serve. This will ensure a smoother development process, which will translate into a cheaper development process.

If you plan, develop, and deploy an app the right way, it can completely revolutionise your business. However, for this to happen you need to carefully plan exactly what you want your app to do. The clearer your vision for the app from the beginning, the better its chances of success.


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