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3 Online jobs that let you earn directly from your couch in 2017

Making money is something that everyone is concerned with, and regardless of your financial status, you are probably interested in the best ways in which you can earn a living. The thing about making money is that it fluctuates and changes according to a plethora of external variables. This makes the search for new ways to earn constantly fresh. It also means that whether you are a novice, looking to plant the roots of your professional career or a long term veteran looking for a new gig, you can probably find some useful information in this article.  This article will be approaching the various ways in which you can make money online, and prosper in this new era of digitalized business.

Starting a blog

Starting a blog is a very popular way in which people use the internet to pay their bills. The really appealing thing about this is that blogs is that they usually consist of what the author wants them to consist of.  Blogs are blank pages online which the author fills with content that seeks to gain an audience. Whether it’s a personal journal and recording of past events, or a place where like-minded people can gather to learn new tips and tricks, blogs can definitely give you a voice and also a great way of making money. If you are really good at something or have fulfilled a long lasting career in a specific domain, you can put all that knowledge and skill to good use by teaching others about it in your blog.

Once a big enough following has been established, you can think about profit. There are numerous companies looking to support bloggers and strike partnerships thanks to the large followings they can provide.

Similarly, you can start a vlog, which is the video version of a blog. This just turns text into video recordings, making it easier for many to express their feelings or spread their teachings.


Freelancing is another way in which you get to be your own boss and work comfortably from home. Freelancing is sought in endless domains ranging from content writing and music composing to anything along the lines of web design or software programming. As long as you are proficient in that respective trade, you can list your services on relevant websites where companies and employers also list their need of such skill holders.

Mobile app development

Mobile apps are an open goldmine at the moment, it will remain so for the foreseeable future. The popularity of apps creates numerous job openings that you can take advantage of from the comfort of your living room. From actual app coding to app marketing and advertising, jobs revolving around the world of mobile devices and mobile apps are very well paid and can lead to tremendous success.

Those looking for ways in which they can earn from home or the online platform in general can start with these suggestions, but aren’t limited to them as there are a lot more ways in which to earn online.



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