NETWORKING IN CYBERSCHMOOZ Network and schmooz your way to marketing and sales success and know-how by posting in Idea Cafe's Marketing Mix message forum.
The Latest Hot Topics:
Marketing What flavor should your "Marketing Mix" be? Come fork over marketing questions or serve up your own sizzling sales/promo tips...... Go
How to Submit an Article to Idea Cafe Now you can demonstrate your business wisdom by posting your own article in our CyberSchmooz forum! Go
Q & A with Idea Cafe Experts
Idea Cafe Sparks Referral Building Talk
Discover some strategies on attracting new customers. See if specialty advertising is a smart move or not or how referral letters can do the trick.
Schmoozing 101
Liz Folger of shares her smart steps for schmoozing your way thru a biz gathering.
Expert Jim Cheskey shows how to attract your local web audience! Learn how to
lure local traffic to your website -- despite the world-wide reach of the Net. It's a slice of hometown advice.
Don't Cut Off Your Nose!
Think twice before undercutting your retailers' prices on your website. "You'd be cutting off the hand that's been feeding you." says expert, Lillyvette Montalvo. She touts honesty and bread-and-butter relationships
Networking with Other Businesses
See if forming a formal biz association would be a good marketing move for your small business.
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