An Idea for a Small Business You Can Start Start-up costs range $50 to $500,000+, earnings $5,000 to $2,000,000++, skills from knowing nothing to running an airline. Bon appetit!
NOVELTY MESSAGE SERVICE Start-up cost: $1,000 - $3,000 Potential earnings: $35,000 - $55,000 Advertising: Place ads in the business telephone directory, bridal supplements, and personal sections in newspapers; leave business cards where you deliver messages; post flyers on community bulletin boards; donate a coupon for one free message for a community auction; buy ads on cable television and on local radio stations, or national radio stations if your product is mailed. Equipment needed: Business line with answering machine, an 800 number for ordering, a dependable vehicle, distinctive costumes and props, billing and filing system.
Excerpted with permission from "101 Best Home-Based Businesses for Women" by Priscilla Y. Huff. Published by Prima Publishing. For more on this and 100 other great businesses you can start, Buy the book now or ask for it at your favorite bookstore. You can also call (800) 632-8676 www.primapublishing.com Ideas for a Small Business You Can Start Classics