An Idea for a Small Business You Can Start Start-up costs range $50 to $500,000+, earnings $5,000 to $2,000,000++, skills from knowing nothing to running an airline. Bon appetit!
GENEALOGY Start-up cost: $3,500 (PC, printer, marketing, advertising, specialty software) Potential earnings: $5,000 to $40,000+ Advertising: Advertise in family-centric publications and Web sites. Network in community organizations where you can talk about your services, host parties similar to Tupperware parties with drawings for free service winners. Barter services to gain track record and testimonials. Equipment needed: Typical home personal computer as advertised in Sunday retail inserts. Family tree software.
Site Luring Freebies: Link to related research sites, provide free FAQ of tips & tricks related to researching and diagramming family trees. copyright 1999 by IdeaGenie. FOR MORE on this and other great businesses you can start, you can buy an expanded guide at IdeaGenie. (Please note: IdeaGenie and Idea Cafe are independent.) Ideas for a Small Business You Can Start Classics