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An Idea for a Small Business You Can Start

Start-up costs range $50 to $500,000+, earnings $5,000 to $2,000,000++, skills from knowing nothing to running an airline. Bon appetit!

Custom Publishing

Submitted by Ronda Claire

Start-up cost: less than $2500

Potential earnings: with hard work and good networking contacts, $10 - $30,000/year but that can still vary dramatically...

How to Find Clients: "Schmooze" ! Network in person, online, via lists, referrals...use e-mail signatures, create fund raising products and find a *worthwhile* (preferably locally-based) charity to help...

Above all BE HONEST and FRIENDLY and provide EXCELLENT Customer Service...if you mess something up, be straight with the client and work out a way to get the project done right.

Equipment needed: *I have* (IBM) computer, (HP) color printer, fax, laminator, binding system, and copier...scanner is highly recommended; software I use and get along wonderfully with is (DOS, no less) WordPerfect 6.0 and I like PrintShop and Proplus, too.

Qualifications: Strong knowledge of the English language; ability to SPELL, proofreading skills (and/or someone you can trust to proof), some creativity for layout and design, typing skills (quality first, then speed!) and a 'smiling personality'.

I create and publish booklets, newsletters, guides, brochures, flyers...

Bottom line advice: If you have a dream, set your goals and go for it!
Don't let anyone discourage you (you will do that enough yourself at times.)
Seek help from SBA, SCORE, Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) and
people you know in the business community who will mentor with you to keep
you on goal.

Don't QUIT unless you've examined every avenue and there is just nowhere else
to turn. I don't know how many times I've given this business up; but every time
I have a project has come along and encouraged me to stay.

STICK WITH IT! If you truly believe in your dream, you will make it a reality!

About You:
I have loved to write since childhood and have wanted to be self-employed since high school graduation...I have combined writing skills with desktop publishing to establish Starlight Creations. The name is appropriate because most of my work is during the middle of the night when ... the stars are out ... :)

I have started two newsletters: Self(star)ter is for home-based (and otherwise) self-employed people and those who wish to be; and the K3 County Reporter will be a *positive* publication highlighting the color of the county...little known items, places and programs.

Ideas for a Small Business You Can Start Classics


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