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Idea Cafe's Biz Book Review

Fail-Proof Your Business:
Beat the Odds and Be Successful

by: Paul E. Adams

Book Briefs:
Paperback, 302 pages
1999, Adams-Hall Publishing

Price: $15.95 ($12.76 at

Who Should Order Up this Book?
If you're dreamin' of starting your own biz -- but aren't sure if you've got the right ingredients -- this book's a must-have appetizer! Be sure to get it before jumping from the frying pan into the fire. If you're hesitating to start your biz or if you're chomping at the bit, the author shares his secrets for keeping a small biz "fail-proof." Learn all the sour moves a small biz can make and avoid them. His well-seasoned voice of experience will help any entrepreneur succeed -- despite the gloomy odds of start-up biz failures.

The Meat & Potatoes
Author Paul Adams' years of being in biz for himself and having "felt the pain and fear of near failure" inspired him to write this book. His goal is to not only point out the no-no's to running your biz, but also the tips to make it succeed. Straight from the horse's mouth, Adams says, "Think of this book not as advice but rather a series of vital warnings and suggestions..."

He kicks off his smorgasbord of warnings and suggestions, with Part 1: Understanding the Psychology of Failure and Success. It's a short, but sweet section where you belly up to the mirror and ask yourself some gritty questions about your personality. Are you up to the task?

In Part 2, he goes to the core of many failed businesses -- money. If you can't master your money situation -- be it too much, too little, or none at all -- then your start-up can turn bad quickly. Unlike many cumbersome financial texts, these chapters are easy to digest because he sticks to his menu of giving only tips and slips of money management. Examples are clear and brief.

Part 3 is all about being the leader of your biz. Get the scoop on hiring the right people; fostering a team atmosphere; being assertive; staying focused; and committing yourself to the biz.

No biz book worth its salt would skip over successful sales and marketing strategies. Since selling is the main ingredient to any start-up stew, Part 4 is the beefiest section of the book. Feast on the secrets for promoting your biz, finding and understanding your customers, and advertising.

The frosting on the cake comes in Part 5 when the author shares hands-on strategies for success. Discover why bigger is not always better, how to diversify, and whether investors and partners are good for biz.

The "Remember" features at the end of every chapter offered up tasty morsels of info too. These quick tidbits summed up the highlights to keep in mind when starting and running your biz.

Overall Taste:
This book's biz brew is strong on content and goes down smooth. It reads like a down-home coffee chat with a friendly mentor. Adams is conversational and casual -- a very refreshing feature for a biz book. You'll get a biz jolt and wake-up call on how not to fail! Read it and weep (with joy)!

rule for small business

Idea Cafe's Rating:
(five light bulbs is our top rating)

I'll Take It!

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