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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectFeasibility Study
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611, Feasibility Study
Posted by donnajane, Tue May-08-07 11:30 AM
I am working with my local Voc Rehab to get a business started so I can get off diability. One of the many requirements is to have a feasibilty study done. I have been given a 15 page worksheet asking me for all kinds of information and I'm not sure how to go about getting some of the answers. On the Competition Analysis Worksheet it asks me to list at list 3 competitors and what their market share is. There is no one locally operating the type of business I am wanting to start. There are some national companies that offer their services over the internet but even those aren't exactly like mine. How do I go about figuring out what their market share is? Also, how do I determine how many competitors have gone out of business in the past year? Also, what is the best way to go about calculating start-up costs and an estimated budget?

I feel like finding these answers should be obvious to me but for some reason I'm drawing a blank.