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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRE: Ladies Boutique - need help
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945, RE: Ladies Boutique - need help
Posted by bigb1026, Fri Sep-21-07 04:06 AM

Best of luck, DFW is a good market. I think you need to approach your decision based on the demographics of WHO you will be selling to, WHERE they live, and HOW you expect your customers to find you. I'm sure you've heard the LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION axiom. Unless you're selling over the internet or wholesale, you need to be where your customers are. Forget pure numbers, a small town of 10,000 means nothing until you determine WHO the 10,000 are, If most of the 10,000 are the wrong sex, income level, etc for your niche, I don't care if they grown to 10 MILLION it won't matter. Do your marketing and demographic homework, consult chamber of commerce and local government specialists etc. Don't be intimidated by competition since it's everywhere. DO YOUR HOMEWORK. If you do that, you'll be fine.

Obviously you'll be needing merchant services (credit card processing capability) before you open. That's our department. Please consult our website (see below) for useful info and tools (no hard sell) on that subject before you sign up anywhere. Thanks, and good luck.

All the best,
Barry G
AMS, Inc.

All the best,