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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRE: Getting started. Angel vs. Venture Capitalist and a presentation.
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2341, RE: Getting started. Angel vs. Venture Capitalist and a presentation.
Posted by paulelissa, Fri Jan-04-13 05:07 PM
Don?t be pigeon holed by terminology such as angel vs. venture.
Just think in terms of the criteria of investors.

Your presentation was a bit confusing and was missing some major points.

My suggestion would be to dispense with some of the irrelevant items such as the ending of the gold standard.

Focus on describing exactly what you do and how you do it. Then describe exactly how you and your investors make money.

Explain clearly that what you do is take over responsibility for the property until it is sold, and that in that agreement you acquire the property at a discount and plan to resell it at a profit.

It?s a simple concept. Make it a simple presentation.
Work out some pro forma examples ie:
Contract for property at 200,000
1) Pay mortgage arrears of $3,000
2) cover mortgage payments 3 months $ 3,000
3) repairs $ 2,000
Total investment 8,000
Sell for $ 220,000 profit $ 12,000.

Talk about how many times that can be done in a year, how the investment can be parlayed. Discuss the current economic conditions and how many people are in the kind of circumstance that will benefit from your service.

Good luck
