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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectQuality assurance consulting business
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2027, Quality assurance consulting business
Posted by sunilsh2003, Mon Feb-01-10 09:52 AM
Hi everyone,
I recently got laid off from work. I have over 10yrs of quality assurance experience and have worked in different industries in my career. I also have two certifications as a quality analyst as well as a software tester and also project management experience that I would like to incorporate into the QA cycle to provide better client service. I am based in Texas and would like to start a home-based consulting service providing a one-stop shop for requirements definition, documentation and all aspects of quality assurance.

I have seen a lot of offshore QA consulting companies but not many in US. I am nervous about the venture and would really appreciate comments and feedback. I am not sure what unique service or options I can offer and so would appreciate some ideas.

Thank you for your time.

2028, RE: Quality assurance consulting business
Posted by hostingdiva, Mon Feb-01-10 11:40 AM
Hi S-

Sorry to hear you were laid off BUT this is a great time to start a business! :) There should be tax benefits and write offs coming in the next few months from Congress, plus the SBA seems to be lending more money for start ups. Also, you'll still have your unemployment benefits to keep you afloat while you get things going.

To me, it sounds like you have a really great idea and the experience to back up what you're selling.

You say that you're not sure what unique service option you can offer - well, what is being off shored? Why can't you offer what they offer with the added benefit of you being right down the street rather than an ocean away? You would be saving them the same amount of money (or at least comperable) and providing a great service.

You will need to get your own website because you're going to have to sell your services. I would also advise that you write a few articles (more than a few but a few to get starte) for your website so that people coming to you for services, or checking up on you, get the sense that you're really knowledgable and worth every penny. Then you have to promote, promote, promote. You could even go back to your current company and offer the same services at consulting fee rates :)

Best of luck! :)

2032, RE: Quality assurance consulting business
Posted by sunilsh2003, Tue Feb-02-10 06:34 AM
Thank you for the encouraging words and great suggestions. I am ready to take the plunge. It is nerve-racking but also deeply exhilarating.

Thanks again.