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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRE: Starting my own bookkeeping bussiness
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169, RE: Starting my own bookkeeping bussiness
Posted by Adlavrinel, Fri Oct-27-06 03:35 PM
One thing that you need to do is offer as many services as possible related to what you are doing in order to be more versatile. Something like bookkeeping, tax preparation, payroll, word processing, and internal auditing. This is a way to get clients in some form or another. As far as advertising talk about your business as much as possible. When you're in the line at the grocery store and in a line full of people. Say something like "man I really need to get to those books before the day is over" or pretend to be on the phone with a client ficticious of course and say something like "yes Mrs Ferguson I have you payroll ready and I need go over your end of month accounting statement with you". These things sound corny but you never know who is standing in line with you it could be a potential client or someone whom may know of someone that needs a bookkeeper. Good luck.