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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectThe thing know one seems to talk about
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377, The thing know one seems to talk about
Posted by superwrench929, Thu Feb-01-07 05:41 AM
The thing know one ever seem to talk about is,finding purchasing, acquiring BUSINESS INSURANCE. I wonder why? In case you ever tried it. It is an excellant exercise in aggrevation, annoyance, and in general a giant pain in the a**. Not only do you have to run a round chasing insurance agents just for a quote. But unless you have been in business 3 years or more they don't even want to talk to you. Which for anyone in a business startup is very shocking especially in this day and age of lawsuit mania. You almost have to lie to get it. Plus if you don't talk to an agent who specializes in business insurance you are just wasting your time and energy an if by chance you do find some one to insure your business the rate will probably make your head spin. Boy Doctors,Lawyers and insurance agents all seem to be bent on one thing and guess what, it's not for your benefit or well being. If you think I am making this all up all I can say is TRY IT for yourself.