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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectbusiness is ready to go but how to register business online
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1733, business is ready to go but how to register business online
Posted by jenfagan, Wed Apr-15-09 10:39 AM
Hi, I am creating a website that is similar to a Craig's List type of community based website but different in many ways. The website is now built and almost ready to launch, but I do not know where to start registering my business (DBA?) or do I even need to do that...we have a name for the business.

I still have to create terms of use and most likely have the business be an LLC. What are the steps...we have a name and a website. Which state do I register the business with...I live in NY and my co-partner lives in NJ. The business will be servicing all states. Where do I register the I need a DBA? or can I just form an LLC. we have already spent a lot of money...and I am hoping to launch it with out a lot of red tape and money. Do I need to hire an attorney.. Thanks for any help!