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Forum nameStartup Stew
Topic subjectRE: Raising kids in a store
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1387, RE: Raising kids in a store
Posted by juliarusso11, Wed Jul-02-08 11:12 AM
You failed to mention what type of store and what age your kids are. Frankly, I don't think it very professional to have your children in a retail situation. A home business would be understandable but not in a retail atmosphere. This a place that the kids attention will be divided between mom and clients and as a customer, I would find it distracting to be checked out by someone with a baby in a sling.
Either you are a business owner who works from home while raising her kids or you have the kids in daycare while you work. While some customer moms may find it endearing, you have to expect that not everyone will be as understanding.
Let me also pass along my latest experience--I, too, have opened a store only to be crushed by the current economy burdened by the gas crisis. Timing is everything and you must have plenty of capital (old fashioned cash!) to weather this one!
Why is the owner selling this business? Have you asked the all important questions and done your due diligence? It would seem that what to do with the kids is far down the list of reasons to buy or to start a business in retail.Get those answers first and then decide if the business model would benefit or be hurt by your decisions about the kids.
Good luck to you--I started my business at home with my one year old, but when business picked up, I had to have someone take care of him while I took care of business. Without my total focus on the business during working hours, I would not have made a living for us both.
Just a last note--I have built several businesses online now so they are actually supporting my retail store( ain't that a kick?) until I finally give it up and close or sell it (one way or the other, it will probably go) and then I can keep my internet profits. Think about doing your online business at home and stay with your kids. Let me know how you are doing :-)