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Forum nameThe Daily Grind
Topic subjectJust wanted to introduce myself
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75, Just wanted to introduce myself
Posted by wes1, Fri Jan-26-07 09:02 AM
This is Wes here writing you from beautiful British Columbia, Canada. Today's forecast is partly cloudy with mild winds. I am a 32 year old internet go-getter. My better half and i have a glorious three year old daughter named Kennedy, we both work part-time in that dastardly "real-world". (the one i was warned about) and the other half is spent in the internet world.

We have been involved with internet marketing for a little more than three years, and have learned a great deal in that time. We successfully run three businesses. Two have to do with travel and the last and most current one is a franchise.

I think that's about it for now, look foward to meeting you all and exchanging some vaulable info and tips. I will leave you with a quote.

"A jouney of a thousand miles begins with a single step"- Lao -Tzu

***Get Paid To Market Your Business***. Don't spend money in advertising for your business if you don't have to. Whether your new at online marketing or a pro, see how your advertising can pay you.