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Forum nameThe Daily Grind
Topic subjectRE: looking for help
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78, RE: looking for help
Posted by BizConsulting, Mon Jan-29-07 04:52 AM
I agree with all the others. Charge more if you have to stay late or just board the dog over night and charge them for that service. As fo coming in early, you can always tell them "Sure we provide that service. That will be an additional charge of $____." Come up with some price that is worth your time to come in but at the same time might get them to think twice. If they complain tell them that you have to charge them for your time. What would they do if they were you? Ask them that question.

To answer your question on expanding your business. I would talk to some vetrinarians in your area. Ask them if you can post a flyer on their bulletin board or if you can leave flyers out at their office.

SHB Consulting, Inc.