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Forum nameThe Daily Grind
Topic subjectRE: Employee Benefits
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140, RE: Employee Benefits
Posted by Pepperfire, Fri Mar-07-08 06:21 AM
You're in an interesting position.

He owes you a weeks' notice. Which is what you would legally have had to give him, had you fired him.

Of course, I would tell him that. In fact, since he's moving to a competitor, you should go after the week's notice anyway. The guy's got a nerve.

Don't pay him for the fourth day and tell him if he thinks he really deserves this extra day, that you can see him in court where you'll be countering by asking the judge for the 5 days he owes you.

Betcha he disappears really quickly.

I would also implement a policy going forward that in order to be paid for the accumulated days, the employee must work the entire month.


>So I have an employee that quit, we give 1 day a month paid
>personal time off. At the time of the employees leaving he had
>aqured 3 days off.To round off the pay period he left 2 days
>before the end of the month. My Sec. paid him for his last two
>weeks which covered 2 of the 3 days. He called today and
>wanted paid for his last day. He also thinks he should get
>another day, because he would have another month. I said to go
>ahead and pay him for his 3rd day but not to pay him a fourth
>day, because he did not work a full month , he quit. So I am
>goig to tell him that since he is moving to a competitor they
>should pay him an extra day to make up for the day he lost for
>switching jobs What do you think? Craig}(

Tina Brooks, VP Marketing
Brooks Pepperfire Foods, Inc.
Makers of Peppermaster Hot Sauces

Eat more peppers!