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Forum nameThe Daily Grind
Topic subjectOpen Office Concept?
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130, Open Office Concept?
Posted by mbovaird, Sun Sep-30-07 05:07 AM
Hi All,

We are in the market for new office space. We have about 12 employees (and growing) and we've typically had a combo office space (some closed offices and a bull pen area). I am toying with the idea of going "Google" - moving in to a completely open concept (except for a board room and small 8 x 8 office for break out meetings (i.e. performance reviews) and wanted to see if anyone else has had any success with this type of environment. We would not be in "cubes" per se, but rather sectionals - whereby the height of the dividers would be a foot or so higher than desk height.

Typically, my employees are on the phone 3 or 4 hours a day and the rest of the time they are preparing documents, writing emails, reading information packets, etc.

Our business requires quite a bit of cooperation amongst team members and I've had this nagging suspicion that we would really thrive under an open office concept. But then again, I've heard horror stories of the office getting so loud that no one can think!

Should we stick with the mixed approach - go all office - or go all open?

