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Forum nameeCommerce
Topic subjectFree e-commerce website
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395, Free e-commerce website
Posted by earningcents, Mon Jan-05-09 02:15 AM
If anyone is interested is testing a new network and they are giving away free website hosting if you want to get on their beta system.

They sent e-mails out to all their customers but the offer is open to anyone untill January 15. Of couse they asked us if we knew anyone that would like a free website pass the word.

Sites have shopping, page building and full e-commerce and you get it for free for 3 months. You can keep it after that but what a great way to get started online.

I have a store with them and they are great. I figured I would pass along the word to everyone here.

Just go to and call the number on the site for the free offer. They do not have it advertised, but if you ask for it they will set you up instantly.
410, RE: Free e-commerce website
Posted by rublaken, Sun Jan-25-09 06:36 AM
I am trying to build a site with them now and it's not working for me can you send me the link to your site so I may look at it. this is the link to my site
411, RE: Free e-commerce website
Posted by hostingdiva, Wed Jan-28-09 02:01 PM

I responded to your other message. Please check your other post :)
915, RE: Free e-commerce website
Posted by rainahuang, Thu Nov-09-17 11:25 PM