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Forum nameMarketing Mix
Topic subjectRE: I Want to Make "How-To" and Corporate DVDs
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298, RE: I Want to Make "How-To" and Corporate DVDs
Posted by BizConsulting, Mon Feb-19-07 11:19 AM
Hello Red;

The first place I would start would be the companies that are already utilizing DVD's for training. I would research Google, go to the library, etc. The first business that came to mind is Brian Tracy. He makes lots of video's. You also have all the motivational guys like Tony Robbins. Check with these guys first. See if they use an outside firm or if it is all in house. If they do it in house, do they use any outside vendors from time to time? Or can they recommend a business you can call?

These are the best places to start because you know they already like to utilize DVD's in their training, marketing, etc. Thus, these businesses are already thinking about their next DVD.

Find out about the current vendor they use. What do they like about them? What is the one or 2 things they would change about them?

Build a long-term relationship with the businesses that get DVD's made on a usual basis. You may get some low hanging fruit at first or find someone who doesn't really have a loyalty to a certain company. As time goes on, keep cultivating relationships with these businesses. Tell them you want to earn the right to work with them. Tell them you are willing to take on a project that other vendors may have turned down (for whatever reason). Eventually, the vendor who has been servicing their business will fail and you will be given a chance.

Best of Luck in Your New Business


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