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Forum nameFinancial Feast
Topic subjectRE: Looking for funding with bad credit
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744, RE: Looking for funding with bad credit
Posted by bizconsultant, Fri Apr-10-09 02:51 AM
A loan with bad credit is not going to happen in 24 to 72 hrs. The places that say you can gt a loan based on credit card sales receipts fail to advertise that a)you have to have a specific volume of card receipts each month,b) you have to basically "assign" all future credit card receipts to them for a specific period of time and c) you will still be liable for repayment of the cash advance (because thats what it is) should your crdit card volume decrease.

Now if you do over $10K a mth in current (not expected after funding) credit card sales, and you meet the other qualifications they have , I say go for it (but not many businesses do, which is why those programs are pushed so hard - its not a realistic solution to most busines credit needs)

What you need to do is develop business credit and trade lines to assist you with your credit needs currently. I would suggest joining and getting the free business credit establishment program that comes along with annual membership. Its only $350.00 (which im sure you spend more then that in labor trying to find the unicorn - bad credit loans that are quick)

Just a suggestion. Best of luck with your business endeavor though.