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Forum nameFinancial Feast
Topic subjectRE: I need financing!!
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29, RE: I need financing!!
Posted by megangomez, Sat Aug-19-06 05:51 PM
Thanks for your suggestions, Sylvia.

Let me clarify on the lease -
I have a lease "proposal", meaning I haven't signed the official lease agreement yet, and will definately NOT do so until the financing is in place.

Keeping my "day job" wasn't an option - I was working as a contract employee, and the project I was on was terminated without notice. So, due to circumstances beyond my control, my day job was over earlier than I'd planned it to be.

I have new hope now, though. After researching at the SBA website, I came across a company who helps entrepreneurs put together the most comprehensive SBA loan proposal package possible. I purchased their program, and so far I am impressed with the wealth of helpful forms, outlines, suggestions and instructions. I thought my business plan was complete...far from it!

I'm now working diligently to complete an SBA loan package for submittal to a preferred SBA lender. This has been a godsend, since I'd already asked 3 banks for help with an SBA loan, and no one ever returned my calls or even told me what I needed to do for an SBA loan. Now I have everything at my fingertips! I'll keep you all posted as to my progress, and if the program really works. If interested, check it out at