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Forum nameComfort Food
Topic subjectRE: I'm scared and excited.
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55, RE: I'm scared and excited.
Posted by Pat and Alix, Tue Oct-24-06 05:59 PM

>I've just about to finish up my website and go live!
>Now the problem, I'm both fightened and excited at the same
>time. I've been dreaming of this site for 2 years. I'm
>fearing success as well as failure. Is this normal?
>How will I feel if fails? What if it does what I dream it
>will do and grows fast and I can't handle it?
>Did anyone else have these fears? How did it turn out for
>Thanks :+

I just celebrated my 4th Anniversary in September, and I sitll have both feelings! I don't think it ever stops if you continue to set new goals, there is that apprehension about can I get there, and then a feeling of, if I can, can I handle it and what's next?

Enjoy seeing your dream come to reality!

Pat and Alix P. Curl