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Forum nameComfort Food
Topic subjectNeed some direction
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112, Need some direction
Posted by findingdetails, Tue Nov-13-07 07:59 AM
I have been searching and searching trying to find a venture to pursue. I hate my job, hate, hate, hate it. It offers no challenge, bores me, and BAREly pays the bills.

I want to start my own business, but feel like I am in a rut!

I start with good intentions and I stall out. I am not sure if I am just in a comfort zone and don't want to stir the pot too much or it is because of fear. I don't have much extra money to invest, so I want to be sure before I stick my neck out. Plus I live in a rural, and I mean rural community, so I am leary about what idea will sell.

I have resolved that I need to steer towards a service type business but after that I am at a stand still. ANY IDEAS or MOTIVATION????

HELP, gimmee a kick in the butt!