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Topic subjectNeed some direction
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112, Need some direction
Posted by findingdetails, Tue Nov-13-07 07:59 AM
I have been searching and searching trying to find a venture to pursue. I hate my job, hate, hate, hate it. It offers no challenge, bores me, and BAREly pays the bills.

I want to start my own business, but feel like I am in a rut!

I start with good intentions and I stall out. I am not sure if I am just in a comfort zone and don't want to stir the pot too much or it is because of fear. I don't have much extra money to invest, so I want to be sure before I stick my neck out. Plus I live in a rural, and I mean rural community, so I am leary about what idea will sell.

I have resolved that I need to steer towards a service type business but after that I am at a stand still. ANY IDEAS or MOTIVATION????

HELP, gimmee a kick in the butt!
113, RE: Need some direction
Posted by deech, Wed Nov-14-07 03:40 PM
Pick up a copy of Martha Stewart's book, "Martha's Rules," for ten essential rules and TONS of motivation for the entrepreneur! (I recently purchased one at Dollar Tree.)
117, RE: Need some direction
Posted by Strategist, Fri Nov-23-07 06:13 PM
If money and time weren't a problem, what would you be doing?

119, RE: Need some direction
Posted by findingdetails, Mon Nov-26-07 05:14 AM
If money and time weren't a problem, what would I be doing?

That is a very good question.

I can't really pinpoint one thing specifically. I would probably be doing something with people. And I enjoy the management and HR facet of work as well. Some type of business where a service would be provided.

Some thoughts that cross my mind are:
Health care staffing company
Staffing company/HR related business
Retail business/Restaurant

120, RE: Need some direction
Posted by iws, Mon Dec-03-07 06:54 PM
I know it's not easy to get started when you really have no idea as to exactly what you want to do. There is so much information on so many types of "jobs" and businesses to start that it can be paralyzing. In 2002 I was on the top of my game in distribution sales. Then all of a sudden at the end of the first quarter of 2003, I was out of a "job". As good as the money was, it was still just a job.

I started a service business and it too is doing well. But if you are not careful, it will own you. When you start a service business at first you are the business. You do it all. There will come a point where you will have to make a decision. Either grow, hire and put youself into the position of "owner" or grow tired of your "business" as you are doing it all.

There is on other option and that is to do something once and get paid forever. Easy said but to me, the better choice. You can do something you love (follow your passion) or you can follow the money. My opinion is that if you enjoy what you are doing, then the money along with everything else will take care of itself. (Of course you do have to work at anything you do to be successful)

Listen, don't get me wrong and think you can just jump out there and things will be peachy, not so. There is more work in being the owner than the employee, but the rewards are 10 times greater.

So what's the secret? Make a decision, act on your decision and do it with all your passion never looking back.

You can do this!

Providing inspiration and information worth sharing to help you realize your full potential. Information you can use today.

122, RE: Need some direction
Posted by BigIdea, Sat Feb-16-08 06:36 AM
keep PERSISTING and an idea will come.....whatever you do......dont't give up:-) and don't limit yourself to your rural area.......don't forget the internet is Global...hope this helps you!
123, RE: Need some direction
Posted by margoyle1, Mon Feb-18-08 10:39 AM
>keep PERSISTING and an idea will come.....whatever you
>do......dont't give up:-) and don't limit yourself to your
>rural area.......don't forget the internet is Global...hope
>this helps you!

Agreed, motivation helps.

Try to think of something fairly lucrative that you have a significant interest in, so you'll feel more motivated in the day-to-day. Of course, such ideas do not grow on trees...

126, RE: Need some direction
Posted by findingdetails, Wed Feb-20-08 09:51 AM
If only they did, along with the money to implement them, then all my problems would be solved.
127, RE: Need some direction
Posted by jerky4free, Thu Feb-21-08 07:28 AM
Did you ever choose something or are you still at your "hated" job?
131, RE: Need some direction
Posted by findingdetails, Mon Feb-25-08 09:45 AM
Still at my "hated" job, but not hating it quite so much, things are changing, but still far from being challenged. Just wanting to find something and not sure which way to go. Partially don't want to leave the security of ft job with benefits, but ultimately want to be my own boss.
132, RE: Need some direction
Posted by juliarusso11, Sat Mar-01-08 10:26 AM
You sound like a good candidate for selling on the internet. I have a friend who is wildly successful working from home selling gifts online and she is in the most rural part of I know it can be done anywhere. I, too, started online a year ago and now have progressed to a brick and mortar retail store. That is my choice and I don't recommend it to a newbie but having been in service/retail for 30 years, I knew what to do for me.

Choosing a product to sell is the hardest just as you are struggling to find what you want to do. But start with brainstorming any ideas that come to mind. None are too crazy or out there! Don't limit your self on ideas because you can't instantly imagine their worth.
Sell other people's products--to other people who have a keen interest in those products. If you know and understand and have an affinity for those same products, it is quite easy but you don't have to like or use or know anything about a product to sell it. It helps but it is not necessary. This also pertains to services as well as products.
Take in account your skills, talents and passions to investigate services and products with a direct relation to these attributes and see if you can make a list of "niches" that can be marketed.

Don't want to make this post too long but my thoughts are that the more "stones uncovered" will give you more options to consider.

Best wishes and keep giving us your updates.
128, RE: Need some direction
Posted by lewgard08, Sat Feb-23-08 05:40 AM
First of all, you need to figure out what it is you really enjoy doing. You mentioned you think you need to work in a service type of business, but why / how did you come to that conclusion? What area of service do you enjoy? I believe I read in one of your post responses that you like the HR side of things...but do you like it enough to want to do it every day, all day?

Starting a business is hard work. You need to come up with creative ways to promote yourself and your business, brand yourself, gain a customer base, etc...and if you are on a tight budget, this may be even tougher. I don't mean to be a downer, but you really do need to take a lot of things into consideration. Most importantly, as I mentioned, do something you really enjoy - otherwise your business will be like your current job and you will grow to hate it.

Perhaps you can try to gain a few clients via one of the many freelance sites, such as,, etc. There is a small fee to pay, but if you get one client then it pays off. I suggest doing this while you are still employed, just to be sure you have money coming in.


Providing the tools and resources to work at home and start a home based business

133, RE: Need some direction
Posted by hcdjlj7, Sat Mar-01-08 01:06 PM
I am new to this business thing myself so we are in it together. I take it you have already read through most of your mail so I will just say ditto to the encouragement and add my suggestion. Here in CA the latest thing in health care is something called a home health aide. It is someone who would help with simple tasks that a disabled or elderly person might need. For example, driving to the grocery store and putting away their packages. Simple house keeping like dusting. Another avenue to look into is parents with children that have special needs. My son is severly autistic and doing something as simple as a parent teacher conference for one of my other children is a massive task because of his unique needs. A service to me is just having someone willing to babysit a 16 yr. old man boy. Since you are in a rural area your service might be to help people in your small area get to bigger cities to provide this simple kind of service. Another avenue you may use is your closest senior citizen center or youth organization. They will quickly let you know their biggest needs it will be up to you if you want to provide that service.